"Many a song is sung about heroes and martyrs, but who would know their stories if not for we who sing them? Dead men can't tell tales, after all."

General Info

Name: Matcha Greentea
Age: About 5000 / Claims to be around 30
Race: Dragon
Main classes: BRD, MCH, RDM
Gender: Female, She/Her
Height: 4'9"
Orientation: Bisexual
Spoken Languages: Draconic/Dravanian, Eorzean
Birthplace: Meracydia


At the beginning of the Third Umbral Era, Málfríðr was born to Tiamat and Bahamut's brood. However, she fled Meracydia upon Bahamuts death. She made her way across the sea to find her kin. Finding there was a peace garnered between humans and dragonkin in Coerthas, she settled in Dravania under the watchful eye of Ratatoskr, who readily accepted her sisters child. However, not long after, Ratatoskr was betrayed and slain, and Nidhogg was driven mad with grief and rage.
Approached by a mortal cloaked in black, he convinced her she would be able to take revenge on the people who murdered her kin in cold blood. She took on a mortal form in order to blend in, however, she mistakenly took on the appearance of an Au Ra- as she'd seen many of their tribe close to the Dravanian borders, but was unaware they were not actually welcome in Ishgard.
This, however, did not stop her from attempting to enact her revenge. She befriended Haurchefant and gained access to the city, but her plan was short lived as she realised her mistake when the Heavens Ward was immediately suspicious of her.
Soon after, the Warrior of Light arrived in Ishgard and took some of the attention off of her, but she was still requested to stay inside the city walls.
Spending time around the Warrior of Light and others around Ishgard slowly made her realise that revenge was not the right path, and Nidhogg needed to be stopped. She begrudgingly decided to side with Ishgard- something that deeply hurt her pride, but it needed to be done.
After the Dragonsong War, Matcha decided to remain in her mortal form to help rebuild Ishgard, and travel the world to learn about the mortals she'd so long allowed herself to be ignorant towards.


Matcha is rather aloof and hard to hold down in one place. Due to her long lifespan, she's seen history repeat itself over, and over, and in turn has become desensitised to the tragedies around her. She's a huge flirt when she's not giving you the cold shoulder and it isn't easy to get any further than skin deep with her.
Don't expect her to play the role of the hero, unless she's going to get something out of it.

Rp Rules/Contact Info


18+ only please! This isn't just because of nsfw rps but I'm simply more comfortable with it.

No metagaming/god modding. It's fine to share things ooc but please don't let that bleed into in character interactions! YOU know Matcha's backstory, that doesn't mean your character does!

I enjoy the ffxiv lore and story but I am absolutely okay with going off the rails!

NSFW rp is a-okay! Dark themes are acceptable but I would appreciate it if we talked about it first. That being said, things I do in character do not reflect upon myself out of character.

Matcha is multi-ship, multi-verse. Unless previously discussed, all instances with Matcha will have their own universe and will not cross over with anyone else.

I just wanna have a good time so be nice, no drama <3

My Twitter:

Discord will be given out upon request, and if I am comfortable.